Using the Whyis command-line interface

If you’re using a Docker container:

docker exec -it <container name> bash

In Docker, the whyis command is available at /opt/venv/bin/whyis.

Running the Server

Commands to run or initialize the server. Run them in an empty directory to create a new kgapp (knowledge graph application).


Runs the command run

usage: whyis [-?] [backup,createuser,load,init,restore,retire,run,test,runagent,updateuser]
-?, –help:

show this help message and exit

whyis run

Runs the Flask development server i.e.

usage: whyis run [-?] [-h HOST] [-p PORT] [--threaded]
                 [--processes PROCESSES] [--passthrough-errors] [-d]
                 [-D] [-r] [-R] [--ssl-crt SSL_CRT] [--ssl-key SSL_KEY]
-?, –help:

show this help message and exit

-h, –host:

The host IP to serve on.

-p, –port:

The port to serve on.


Use threading to serve multiple requests.


The size of the process pool.


-d, –debug:

enable the Werkzeug debugger (DO NOT use in production code)

-D, –no-debug:

disable the Werkzeug debugger

-r, –reload:

monitor Python files for changes (not 100% safe for production use)

-R, –no-reload:

do not monitor Python files for changes


Path to ssl certificate


Path to ssl key

whyis init

Initialize fuseki.

usage: whyis init [-?]
-?, –help:

show this help message and exit

Knowledge operations

whyis load

Add a nanopublication to the knowledge graph.

usage: whyis load [-?] -i INPUT_FILE [-f FILE_FORMAT]
                  [-r WAS_REVISION_OF] [--temp-store TEMP_STORE]
-?, –help:

show this help message and exit

-i, –input:

Path to file containing nanopub

-f, –format:

File format (default: trig; also turtle, json-ld, xml, nquads, nt, rdfa)

-r, –revises:

URI of nanopublication that this is a revision of


backing store type to use for temporary graphs; deprecated

whyis retire

Retire a nanopublication from the knowledge graph.

usage: whyis retire [-?] -n NANOPUB_URI
-?, –help:

show this help message and exit

-n, –nanopub_uri:

URI of the nanopub to retire


These operations can also be used to export knowledge graphs to other systems.

whyis backup

Backup the graph to an archive. Synchronizes against previously saved backups.

usage: whyis backup [-?] -a OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
-?, –help:

show help message and exit

-a, –archive:

Backup path

whyis restore

Restores a knowledge graph from an archive.

usage: whyis restore [-?] -a INPUT_DIRECTORY
-?, –help:

show this help message and exit

-a, –archive:

Backup path

Code Operations

whyis test

Run tests

usage: whyis test [-?] [-v VERBOSITY] [--failfast] [--test TESTS]
                  [--ci] [--apponly]
-?, –help:

show this help message and exit

-v , –verbosity:

verbosity level of output, between 0 and 2 (default 2)


Stop the test after the first failure


Name of python file (without extension) to run tests from, or glob pattern


Analyze coverage and store all results as XML (for CI server)


Runs the app tests only

whyis runagent

Runs a specified inference agent.

usage: whyis runagent [-?] -a AGENT_PATH [-e ENTITY_URI] [-d]
-?, –help:

show this help message and exit

-a, –agent:

Python path (dotted) of agent to use

-e, –entity:

Entity URI to run against

-d, –dry-run:

Do not store agent output


whyis updateuser

Update a user in Whyis

usage: whyis updateuser [-?] [-e EMAIL] [-p PASSWORD] [-f NAME]
                        [-l NAME] -u IDENTIFIER [--add-roles ADD_ROLES]
                        [--remove-roles REMOVE_ROLES]
-?, –help:

show this help message and exit

-e , –email:

Email address for this user

-p, –password:

Password for this user

-f, –fn:

First name of this user

-l, –ln:

Last name of this user

-u, –username:

Username for this user


Comma-delimited list of roles to add


Comma-delimited list of roles to remove

whyis createuser

Add a user to Whyis

usage: whyis createuser [-?] [-e EMAIL] [-p PASSWORD] [-f FN] [-l LN]
                         -u IDENTIFIER [--roles ROLES]
-?, –help:

show this help message and exit

-e, –email:

Email address for this user

-p, –password:

Password for this user

-f, –fn:

First name of this user

-l, –ln:

Last name of this user

-u, –username:

Username for this user


Comma-delimited list of role names